Hi community,
I hope this email finds you in the best of health and spirits.
I am having issues with the copy command as I want to access traffic loads positions.
Please see attached my teddy input, the warning, and my traffic load cases and let me know what other information you need to assist in sloving this issue.
Thank you for your assistance
You need in ELLA “ECHO LPOS FULL” to save load positions for SOFiLOAD. Perhaps that’s it(?).
yes it was missing that line. All sorted now, thanks so much. Do you know how to do it for the combinations? I want to see exactly what specific load is applied in each notional lane. See attached for the combinations.

Attached you find a little example. In last PROG SOFiLOAD load positions from ELLA are created.
But be aware: Depending from complexity of the system it’s not always possible to get the exact load position and results from ELLA, because ELLA is able to apply loads for example only in the half lane. Read also chapter 3.14.2 in SOFiLOAD-manual.
Further you can define SHOW within ELLA to get pictures in ELLA-output.
je_ella1_threespan.dat (2.4 KB)
je_ella1_threespan.gra (1.8 KB)