Z_Offset or Eccentricity of Structural Area

Hi guys,

In order to model bridge deck bridge in its appropriate place, I need to give an offset (eccentricity in z-direction) to a structural area. However, I cannot find such the option neither in Sofiplus nor in Teddy. Following is a screenshot of the issue. Top surface of the plate (light blue color) and top surface of the cross beams (light green color) should be in the same level. Does anyone have any idea?

I have also tried to create new line with eccentricity, but it does not work!

Hi Molod,
for excentricity of quads you have the possibilities in 01a.jpg.
When I use excentricities for beams I always work with the position of the coordinate system within the cross section, see 01b and 02.jpg. In SOFiPLUS you must simply use 01a and 01d.jpg => then top surface of quads and beams are in one plane => 01e.jpg.

2022_test.dwg (129.0 KB)
2022_test.sofistik (23.5 KB)

Best regards,

Thanks Jost for your reply. In principle is there no way to give offset directly to the bridge deck (steel plate)? I want to avoid creating coupling (rigid members) between nodes. In my case, top surface of the bridge deck located 5 cm below middle of the bottom chord (Hauptträger Untergurt). If I create steel plate and align cross beams under the plate as you also mentioned, I need to generate some extra nodes to create start of the diagonal members and then connect associated nodes to nodes of steel plate using coupling (rigid body)!

There is only the feature that is showed in 01a.jpg.