Using DEL with LET variables


I need to redefine an array in my script. Is it safe to use DEL instruction with LET variables, e.g.

LET#array 1,2,3,4,5
LET#array  42,43

Thank you in advance.

Should be.

If you run this code

LET#array 1,2,3,4,5
LET#array  42,43

and check the report it gives the expected results.

Thank you! Yes, based on the report it can be concluded that it works. I was wondering if it is safe. Would not we get problems like in C/C++ with deletion of variables allocated on the stack ? In the manual DEL is applied for STO variables.

The manual can be somewhat thin and/or cryptic regarding basic concepts, so there’s a bit of trial and error involved.

Also I believe cadinp is more of an advanced input language than a “real” programming language. Kind of like autocad input on steroids. So comparing it to C/C++ is probably reading to much into it.