At the moment I am trying to model an arch bridge with a thickness variation from midspan (Scheitel) to supports in longitudinal (x) direction (Voute) and simmultaneously a thickness reduction on the lateral edges, forming cantillevers with reduced thicknesses.
The idea is to model using SAR areas formed by the input of 4 SLNs, as seem below:
LET#i 0; LOOP #NEK(1)
SAR 12001+#i GRP 1 QREF MITT MNR 1 MBW 11 H1 #H1
SARB OUT 22001+#i T #tB(#i+1)
SARB OUT 13001+#i
SARB OUT 22002+#i T #tB(#i+2)
SARB OUT 12001+#i
The problem is that I cannot manage to apply this thickness variation simultaneously in two different directions (x and y). Any ideas on how could that be done here?
P.S.: if done in Sofimsha, that would be relatively easier because the thickness could be inputed into 4 different nodes, thus the thickness variation in two different directions. In Sofimshc the similar idea should be to generate the SAR area with 4 different SPTs as input, however I cannot make this idea work (Sofimshc does not accept the replacement of 4 NLs by 4 NPs (function SARB)).
Any ideas on how could that be solved or maybe what can I be doing wrong regarding generating SAR areas by inputing 4 SPTs?
thanks for the reply.
That is exactly what I wanted, to generate an area in sofimsch with SPTs (instead of SNLs) as inputs. Within the command SARB it is posisble to see the input NPs, so I assumed it would work.
I did as you suggested, code is below:
SARB OUT NP 101 T 1.00
SARB OUT NP 102 T 0.40
SARB OUT NP 103 T 0.40
SARB OUT NP 104 T 0.75
However it does not work.The warnings and errors are:
+++++ Warnung Nr. 2264 in Programm SM_READ_SAR ; Eingabezeile: 137
Strukturfläche 5 Randkanten wurden nicht definiert.
+++++ Fehler Nr. 333 in Programm STREAM_GET_REGIO
Randkurven der Strukturfläche (SAR) 5 sind fehlerhaft
Besides, on the examples provided by sofistik (sofimshc.dat → deutsch → Flaechenmodelle) all the SAR generations consist of creating SLNs first. If you have any insight on what I could be doing wrong or missing in my code…
I get it now.
The thicknesses of SPTs are defined outside/independently of SAR functions.
I will try to figure it out from here.
Thread is closed.
I appreciate the help.