Sofiload - LM1

Hi there,
I want to set a LM1 load model into my bridge. I have defined national lanes and load case but there is one issue that does not give me peace of mind.

I wrote this kind of code:


LET#W 3.0

LC no 31 type none TITL ‘LM1’; TRAI type LM1 DIR #DIR WIDT #w P1 300



HEAD Load LM1 Stepping
ECHO full no

loop#i 60
 lc no 70+#i type none titl 'LM1'
 copy no 31 type grU ref 'AXIS.11' dx (#i*(90.79/(60-1)))


As you can see I set a type grU which will take into account vertical loads (TS+UDL) and here is my main question. When I create a combination rule then I have to adjust type of action for this load but L_T(TS) and L_U(UDL) have a different coefficients. How to deal with it to be sure that Sofisik will apply correct coefficients for TS and UDL if both of those loads are stored in one loadcase?

Please see Teddy-example “csm31_design.dat” (in Teddy-examples under “csm - english - design”). There you find actions L_T (for TS-loads) and L_U (for UDL-loads). Further you could define these two action-catagories as ACT… PART Q_1 which means that they act together and also together with actions of PART Q, but not with other actions of PART Q_2, Q_3,…

Best regards,

Sorry but I still do not understand.

I have created LM1 load cases. What I want to get is a results from Load LM1 on national lane A acting together with UDL, and load LM1 acting on national lane B with UDL. I set four different actions L_1, (TS A) L_2 (TS B) L_3 (UDL A) L_$ (UDL B), and set those action as excl Q_1 (one group) but after combination I get tracing comb which show me that one of the beams is loaded by UDL but there is no TS or in other way, the beam is loaded by TS but there is no sign of UDL. How to deal with it to combine the most unfavourable LM1 TS case with UDL to make them acting together?

Sofistik combinations are difficult to understand and even worse to explain. So maybe one advice.

If you have only one lane then you need 2 separated series of loadceses:

  • TS loadcases (act L_T)
  • UDL loadcases (act L_U)

then you set both action as Q_1 category to get the right results. Other variable actions should be category Q_2 or more…

If you have more lanes and more spans, it is more practical to make it in 2 steps (especially because UDL loads)
In 1. step you make manual pre-superpositions from deferent lanes and spans. Results of this pre-superspositions you use as final TS loadcases (act L_T) or UDL loadcases (act L_U).
Then in 2. step you combine them together and with other loads.

May I ask you for show me an example how to create pre-superposion for 1 span 2 lanes?

There are many ways and it really depends on what you are used to.
Here is one example: