Question about result sets for Ella

Hello, I have quesions abou RSET in SofimshA for Ella
According to Ella manual:

Result sets defined in SOFIMSHA will be selected with TYPE RSET:xxxxx, where xxxxx is either the ID of the item within a set to be evaluated or a number if the x-th item of all result sets should be evaluated. Supported are all forces and moments of beam, truss and cable elements, forces and stresses in the center of QUAD and BRIC elements and nodal displacements, support forces and spring forces

I want to get

  1. reaction PZ for nodes from 101 ro 131, and from 201 to 223, and from 301 to 331
  2. shell stresses in shell elements defined as GRP 100 in SofimshC

This is my rset

But it shows error when running:

in lines 5, 6 and 7 you define in first brackets the number of element-IDs => … ID (101 131 1) => so this means 31 loops/numbers. Therefore in last brackets you must define only … NO (101 1) because 31 loops is already clear.

Further try to use letters for the names of elements. I’m not sure if “ID 101” is working, better would be P101 or P11. If you would have uploaded the system I just could check it…

Best regards,

Thank you, Jost

If I have to put a character before the number for the IDs, how can I use generater to generate many IDs at once?

Perhaps with a little trick, attached you find an example.
I hope it helps.

Best regards,
PSC_Bridge_exp.dat (160.8 KB)