Partial coefficients of actions

I’m struggling with understanding the partial coefficients of maxima.

In sofiload I’ve defined an action with gamu=1:

+prog sofiload
ACT type 'c' gamu 1 gamf 0 part 'g' sup 'perc' titl 'Creep & Shrinkage' 
ACT type 'c_1' gamu 1 gamf 0 part 'g' sup 'perc' titl 'Creep & Shrinkage - cat 1' 

when I later make an envelope in maxima:

+prog Maxima $ C&S
CTRL opt 'warn' val 2123
COMB base 7000 type 'c_1' extr 'DESI' no 1 titl 'C&S'
ACT type 'c' ! GAMU 1 <- would apply a factor of 1.00
LC no 5002
LC no 5004
LC no 5006
LC no 5008
LC no 5010
SUPP extr 'mami' etyp 'node' type p,ux,uy,uz titl 'C&S' comb 1
SUPP extr 'mami' etyp 'quad' type m,vx,vy,n titl 'C&S' comb 1
SUPP extr 'mami' etyp 'qnod' type m,vx,vy,n titl 'C&S' comb 1
SUPP extr 'mami' etyp 'qbed' type p,ptx,pty,ptz titl 'C&S' comb 1

if I trace this it will apply a factor of 1.35:

I’m able to apply a different factor if I add it to the maxima program, but then what’s the point of having it in the sofiload action definition?

I assume that you also calculate construction stages and that in file …_csmlf.dat factor definition of 5000er load cases is overwritten. So to get what you need simply re-define factors within MAXiMA.

Best regards,

Ah, I never actually opened that file, but yes, the sofiload action factors are overwritten in this file.

Then I have a few observations/questions:

  1. If you run maxima programs, that makes assigning factors in sofiload actions moot, since they’re overwritten anyway?
  2. Is it possible to suppress the creation of $(NAME)_csmlf.dat?
  3. Is it possible to modify the factors inside $(NAME)_csmlf.dat?

I try to answer:

  1. If you run maxima programs, that makes assigning factors in sofiload actions moot, since they’re overwritten anyway?
    => Yes. Factors for actions that are defined in CSM with CS… TYPE… are crated automtically.

  2. Is it possible to suppress the creation of $(NAME)_csmlf.dat?
    => No. But you can decide not to use the created file. The calculation is started with +apply …_csm.dat and you can simply delete or deactivate this file

  3. Is it possible to modify the factors inside $(NAME)_csmlf.dat?
    => I’m not sure… But you can re-define them in a PROG SOFiLOAD after calculation of the construction stage history.

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Take a look also CTRL GAMC… command in CSM module.
Maybe that would help.

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thank you very much, this seems to solve my issue! And I’m able to control the factors in maxima afterwards as well.