Parametrize result file with Teddy

If we define a Result file we can get a *.dat file to obtain the Report of those results. However, we don’t know how to parameterize the result file with Teddy and open it again from the Result Viewer.

Is there a way to do so?

Thanks in advance.

Instead of .dat, save the file as .results.

Then it works as long as the cdb and results file have the same name, e.g. project.cdb and project.results

If you want to have a different name for the .results file, then add a:
-Prog Template
at the end of the file and run it once. (to generate a dummy cdb with the same name and bypass the error when opening with the viewer)

Thanks for your answer sfr.

However what we are looking for is a result viewer file parametrized, so the tables that are populated inside are filtered according to project variables. If I run a .dat I get the results in a ‘Report’, on a pdf file (or .pdb). But I would like to get a result file where I can copy and export the results into another file: a spreadsheet for instance. However, I don’t know how to open a ‘Result Viewer’ from a Teddy script. I guess this is not possible, but it’s worth asking and confirming :slight_smile:

Sorry if my first message wasn’t clear enough.


For viewing interactively:

  • The Results programme has to be at the top of the file.
  • Instead of “calculate/run” you press the button for the result viewer (or open the file from within the result viewer)

If you’re serious about working parameterized, use the export capability of the result viewer.
Command XLSX in teddy