Mohr-Coulomb // Drucker-Prager - plastic potential

Dear SOFiSTiK team,

I have a question regarding the used plastic potential for the non-lin.-material for Mohr-Coulomb/Drucker-Prager.
In the description for Drucker-Prager, the manual states the following implementations:

And for the Mohr-Coulomb:

My question now is, does the Mohr-Coulomb uses the plastic potential from Drucker-Prager? If yes, then I assume that there is a typo (type-error) in the manual for Mohr-Coulomb plastic potential.

Thank you!

Best regards,


For detailed information on the implemented material models, please take a look at the linked sources.
So in your case you can look at the following papers. Both books can be found online.

  • M.A. Chrisfield. Non-linear Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Structures. Volume II,
    Advanced Topics. Wiley & Sons, 1997

  • O.C. Zienkiewicz und R.L. Taylor. The Finite Element Method, volume 2. McGraw Hill,
    London., 1991

Best regards
Frederik Höller
Your SOFiSTiK Support Team