You have various options for modelling the cables. The best two options are cables or tendons. We have a suitable example for both elements in the TEDDY.
TEDDY > File > Examples > ASE > english > bridge > extern_prestress_cable.dat
TEDDY > File > Examples > ASE > english > bridge > extern_prestress_tendon.dat
In order to consider a moving cable - struts connection, you should work with cable elements. Please have a look at the two examples:
TEDDY > File > Examples > ASE > english > kinematic > slip_cable.dat
TEDDY > File > Examples > ASE > english > kinematic > slip_cable_mue.dat
The second example takes the friction between the cable and the struts into account.
Please keep in mind that the friction can only be applied in a non-linear analysis. If you define SLIP MUE 0 (no friction), you can work with a linear analysis.
Best regards
Frederik Höller
Your SOFiSTiK Support Team
Thank you very much.
Is it possible to give me a simple example with clear steps that explains this to me?
I am a new user of the program.
Thank you very much for your help.
I showed you four examples. Please have a look at them. If they are too complex, you should start with an easier example. All of our TEDDY examples are listed within the TEDDY.
TEDDY > File > Examples
If you are completely new to SOFiSTiK you should start with a SSD project. A good beginner Tutorial is our bridge design online training on YouTube.
thank you.
the teddy file you recommended
TEDDY > File > Examples > ASE > english > kinematic > slip_cable_mue.dat.
i don’t find this teddy file
can you send this file
good morning.
Can you help me on this point?
i have opened the teddy file you recommended
TEDDY > File > Examples > ASE > english > kinematic > slip_cable_mue.dat
but i don’t know how i can benefit from this model to model this connection , i want to extract from this model how the cables modeled with friction and slip to apply this idea to the ( cable - strut connection ).
i can model the strut as fame element and the cable as cable element , but my problem how i can model the element between the cables and strut to consider the friction and slip of cables to be able to calculate the prestressing losses correctly.
thank you.