I am trying to model a bridge consisting of numerous plates (QUAD elements) with a Teddy script. The model of the bridge is shown below:
I’d like the edges of the lower plate to be simply supported, but haven’t been able to figure out how. I’ve tried with BOUN, but this only seems to add springs. I read that an EDGE can be created to create boundary conditions, but I couldn’t figure out how to proceed.
So far I tried it by simply imposing supports in the nodes that are used to create the QUAD elements of the vertical plates, but from the figure above it seems that these have no effect on the lower plate (even though this plate also goes through those nodes). I keep getting errors that there are various instabilities, e.g. “Very big rotation in instabilitycheck-LC 1001 at node 216 ! -> WINGRAF”.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
My scripts can be found below:
+PROG SOFIMSHA urs:5.1 $ Text Interface for Model Creation
HEAD PuursTeddy3
sto#span 16.2 [m]
sto#width 4.6 [m]
sto#width_sf 0.2 [m]
sto#width_uf #width-2*#width_sf [m]
sto#total_height 0.4 [m], height from top side of upper flange to bottom side of lower flange
sto#ctc 0.21 [m]
sto#angle 85 [°]
sto#width_lf #width_uf-2*#height/tan(#angle) [m]
$ calculation of number of webs (in steps, because there is no simple round(…) function)
sto#number_of_webs_notrounded #width_lf/#ctc
sto#number_of_webs_roundeddown div(#number_of_webs_notrounded,1)
sto#remainder mod(#number_of_webs_notrounded,1)
if (#remainder < 0.5) ; sto#number_of_webs #number_of_webs_roundeddown ; else ; sto#number_of_webs #number_of_webs_roundeddown+1 ; endif
sto#thickness_web 5 [mm]
sto#thickness_uf 12 [mm]
sto#thickness_lf 14 [mm]
sto#thickness_sf 31 [mm]
sto#thickness_edge 22 [mm]
sto#height #total_height-#thickness_uf/(2*1000)-#thickness_lf/(2*1000) [m] height of wire model (distance between center planes of flanges)
sto#meshsize 0.8
$ creation of all web plates:
loop#i0 #number_of_webs
let#i1 #i0+1
node no 100+#i1 x (#number_of_webs-1)#ctc/2-#i0#ctc y 0 z 0 fix PXPYPZ
node no 200+#i1 x (#number_of_webs-1)#ctc/2-#i0#ctc y 0 z #height
node no 300+#i1 x (#number_of_webs-1)#ctc/2-#i0#ctc y #span z 0 fix PXPYPZ
node no 400+#i1 x (#number_of_webs-1)#ctc/2-#i0#ctc y #span z #height
quad no 1000+#i1 n1 100+#i1 n2 200+#i1 n3 400+#i1 n4 300+#i1 t #thickness_web m #height/#meshsize n #span/#meshsize mno 1
$ creation of lower flange:
node no 501 x #width_lf/2 y 0 z 0 fix PXPYPZ
node no 502 x -#width_lf/2 y 0 z 0 fix PXPYPZ
node no 503 x -#width_lf/2 y #span z 0 fix PXPYPZ
node no 504 x #width_lf/2 y #span z 0 fix PXPYPZ
grp 1 titl ‘Lower flange’
quad no 1500 n1 501 n2 502 n3 503 n4 504 t #thickness_lf m #width_lf/#meshsize n #span/#meshsize mno 1
$ creation of upper flange:
node no 505 x #width_uf/2 y 0 z #height
node no 506 x -#width_uf/2 y 0 z #height
node no 507 x -#width_uf/2 y #span z #height
node no 508 x #width_uf/2 y #span z #height
grp 2 titl ‘Upper flange’
quad no 1501 n1 505 n2 506 n3 507 n4 508 t #thickness_uf m #width_uf/#meshsize n #span/#meshsize mno 1
$ creation of edges
grp 3 titl ‘Edges’
quad no 1502 n1 501 n2 505 n3 508 n4 504 t #thickness_edge m #height/#meshsize n #span/#meshsize mno 1
quad no 1503 n1 502 n2 506 n3 507 n4 503 t #thickness_edge m #height/#meshsize n #span/#meshsize mno 1
$ creation of horizontal part of side flanges
node no 509 x #width_uf/2 y 0 z #height
node no 510 x #width/2 y 0 z #height
node no 511 x #width/2 y #span z #height
node no 512 x #width_uf/2 y #span z #height
grp 4 titl ‘Side flange 1’
quad no 1504 n1 509 n2 510 n3 511 n4 512 t #thickness_sf m #width_sf/#meshsize n #span/#meshsize mno 1
node no 513 x -#width_uf/2 y 0 z #height
node no 514 x -#width/2 y 0 z #height
node no 515 x -#width/2 y #span z #height
node no 516 x -#width_uf/2 y #span z #height
grp 5 titl ‘Side flange 2’
quad no 1505 n1 513 n2 514 n3 515 n4 516 t #thickness_sf m #width_sf/#meshsize n #span/#meshsize mno 1
+PROG SOFILOAD urs:6.1 $ Text Interface for Loads
HEAD Text Interface for Loads
Actions ACT G gamu 1 gamf 1 dead load
$ Loadcases
LC 2 type G TITL ‘dead load’ gamu 1 gamf 1
quad grp 2 type PG P 10