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Hello, I have just started with Sofistik. I want to perform an analysis of A rectangular steel beam (material S355), length 3m, which is supported on both sides by pinned support, and there is a point load of 5KN in the middle point (L/2). The cross-section has a height of .02m and a width of .20m. I have written the follow teddy code but its not working. Can you please help me with it what is the problem here.

+PROG AQUA urs:1
HEAD Definition of materials
$ Definition of the code or regulation
NORM EN 199X-200X $ Specify the European code as requested
$ Material definitions
STEE 1 S 355 TITL ‘S355 Steel’#
SREC no 1 B .2 H .1 MNO 1 $Cross section


HEAD Definition of geometry, supports, and beam element
$ Definition of the system type
SYST 2D GDIV 10000 $ 2D system for plane structures

$ Geometric definition of the model nodes
NODE NO 1 X 0.0 Y 0.0 FIX PZ $ Pinned support at the left end
NODE NO 2 X 3.0 Y 0.0 FIX PZ $ Pinned support at the right end
NODE NO 3 X 1.5 Y 0.0 $ Node in the middle of the beam

$ Definition of the beam element between the nodes
trus NO 1 NA 1 NE 2

HEAD Definition of the model loads

$ Define the permanent action for self-weight
LC 1 DLZ 1.0 $ Load case 1 includes the self-weight of the structure

$ Define the action for the point load
LC 2
NODE NO 3 TYPE PZ P 5.0 $ Point load of 5 kN at Node 3 in the Z direction


PROG ASE urs:4
HEAD Analysis of individual load cases

In a system 2D there is no direction Z, perhaps this is your problem(?).
So either you define SYST 3D or you use correct directions. Hints about directions you find in SOFiMSHA manual chapter 3.7 and in System Visualisation or Graphic.
Further hint: read error messages in Reportbrowser.

Best Regards,