I would like to ask if it is possible to define the group of a design element in BDK module without using the DECREATOR module first. It becomes really meshy the wingraf output when there are too many design elements not needed for all the output pages.
Best regards,
An example can be found in decreator_07_varying_crossSections.dat.
GRP NO ‘LN1’ TITL ‘Secondary group of lines 1’
GRP NO ‘LN2’ TITL ‘Secondary group of lines 2’
DSLN 1 TITL ‘first design element’
DSLN 2 TITL ‘second design element’
DSLN 3 TITL ‘third design element’
DSLN 4 GRP ‘LN1’ TITL ‘fourth design element’
GRP ‘LN1’ TITL ‘DSLN Group 1’
DSID 1,2
GRP ‘LN2’ TITL ‘DSLN Group 2’
DSID 2,3,4
In the example, design elements 1 and 3 are grouped in LN1 and LN2 respectively, whereas
design elements 2 and 4 are grouped inside both.
The group assignment at DSLN is a shorter alternative to this command, which however can
only assign one group per design element. In case different groups are assigned to a design
element using both options, as DSLN 4 in the above example, both inputs will be considered.