Define Beam element numbers


I am reading out beam element data from the CDB. However, i have not found a way to define the numbers for the beam elements, only for the Structural Lines, the beam elements are numbered arbitrary which makes it more complicated to read out the data. Is there a way to define these numbers in Teddy?

Ich lese Daten der Stabelemente aus der CDB aus. Leider konnte ich bisher nicht rausfinden, ob man die Stabelementnummern manuell zuweisen kann, dies war nur möglich für Strukturlinien. Gibt es einen Weg diese manuell in Teddy zu definieren?


Since you are using structural lines you are modelling with sofimshC, that has the purpose of modelling on a “higher” level (lines/surfaces/…)

If you want full control, you should use SofimshA, then you can model/number every element

Thank you very much for the reply. I hoped that there is way to use sofimshC and still control the beam numbering.

If you really need to you can:

  • Put each SLN in its own group
  • Define the group divisor (default 10 000)
  • With SLN you can control the number of elements per SLN (and in your case group)

This should result in each SLN having sequentially numbered elements starting with (group number * group divisor + 1).

So Sln 10 Grp 10 would have elements 100 001, 100 002, …