I would like to add a constrain to a previously defined SPT.
For example, I create the node “1” and create a link with node “2”:
SPT NO 1 X 0 Y 0 Z 0
Later in the script I would like to connect node “1” to node “3”; however, when I call node “1” to create this new link it eliminates the previous ones. Is ther a way to solve this? Obviously, there is an option to define both links when creating node “1”, but that is not the solution that I am after.
Thanks for your reply, but I think your code does not solve the issue, does it?
With this command “SPT -2; sptp type kf ref 1”, the previously defined constrains at node 2 get deleted.
What I want is to define a new constrain in node 2 without deleting previously defined constrains at this node. The thing is that I would like to create the constrains in two separate blocks: first I define the temporary supports bearings / constrains and then the permanent ones. Since, in some cases, the node for permanent and temporary bearings is the same, I would like to add a constrain to a previously defined node without deleting the already existing ones.