Hello, I am quite new to modelling in Sofistik and I hope my question is not too simple for this forum.
My problem is the following: I would like to couple several structural lines (in orange and blue in the picture, line 1-5) with always the same, longer one (in red, line 6). The four red lines I defined as structural lines to then model my floor slab (with sar). The orange and blue lines define horizontal beams at the edge of the floor slab. I modelled the beams with a loop to be able to vary the number of the beams and the length of the outer beams (orange lines). It looks like this:
I then tried to couple lines 1-5 with line 6 using slns in the loop, but it is not working because when coupling line 2, line 6 was already coupled with line 1 and I get the warning that the structural line has a coupling reference to itself. I also tried some other options like coupling the structural area to lines 1-5 but it did not work either.
Hence, my question is, if there is any possibility to couple a longer line (like line 6) with several shorter ones (like lines 1-5)? Or if there is any other possibility I could couple my floor slab to the beams?
I’m thankful for any tips and hints!
“For a better understanding: the horizontal beams should be coupled to the floor slabs on each side of the slab”