Coupling of Quad Element to Structural Point

Hi All,

can someone suggest a strategy to create a coupling (or springs) between a structural area and a structural point?
I’m trying to use the input:

SPRI QGRP 30 NE 1 CP 1e8 CT 1e8 DX 0 0

in sofimsha. The task completes succesfully, but the coupling is not created.


Hello Flavio,
as I have answered formally, it is possible to couple a structural area to structural point or I would rather say to a finite element node, since the connection can be easily undertaken after having meshed the structural elements into finite elements. The command SBOX must be used for this purpose followed by the NODE command.

+prog sofimsha $ coupling area elements of group no. 30 to node no. 1

unit 0

syst rest
ctrl rest 2

sbox a1x 9.4 3.6 4.654 b1x 4.4 3.6 4.654 a2x 9.4 3.6 4.654 b2x 9.4 9.1 4.654 t 0.450

grp 99
node sbox fix kf nr1 1


Hi Gyorgy.

Thank you very much for the reply.
I understand the SBOX works similarly to a selection of nodes (or elements) based on a geometric wolume. Is it possible to limit the selection to a specific group within the volume?

In other word, say elements in group 101 and 102 are enclosed into the defined box, would be possible to apply the selection to group 101 only?

The item OPT (SBOX — OPT) seems to offer some option but none of them seems to be related to groups or specific elements (SAR SLN etc.).
