ASE vs DYNA, coupled moving sprung-mass system


I have recently noticed that DYNA can conduct analyses of moving sprung-mass systems using the cont command. For my model I have used ASE for such analysis. When running these two different solvers it seems that DYNA is calculating much faster than ASE for a moving-sprung mass problem. What is the difference between the solvers for this particular problem?

Best regards,

I would like to add an additional comment to the topic. In general there are two approaches to model a vehicle bridge interaction (VBI); Coupled and uncoupled. In essence, the difference is whether the matrices in the equation of motion are time dependent. The coupled would need to construct a new stiffness matrix at each time step, which is an instrict non-linear procedure. In ASE, I can see that the it updates the matrix for each time step, which again takes time. DYNA calculates significantly faster, and I am therefore inclined to believe that it uses the uncoupled method. Do I understand it correctly?

Best regards,