AQUA error


I wonder why this code runs in SOFiSTiK 2023:

+prog AQUA urs:1
norm EN 199X-200X
unit 0

stee 1 type S 450 gam 0.0
conc 2 type C  60 fc 0.95*60 Ec 35.0e3 gam 0.0
stee 3 type B 500 gam 0.0

echo full extr

+prog AQUA urs:2
unit 0

let#ts 0.050
let#ti 0.050
let#tw 0.025
let#H  2.000
let#B  0.800
let#tc 0.300
let#W  1.600

sect 1 titl 'STEEL I-GIRDER'
 poly O mno 1
  vert no y z
   1 0.0            0.0
   2 +#B/2.0        0.0
   3 +#B/2.0        #ts
   4 +#tw/2.0       #ts
   5 +#tw/2.0       #H-#ti
   6 +#B/2.0        #H-#ti
   7 +#B/2.0        #H
   8 0.0            #H
   9 -#B/2.0        #H
  10 -#B/2.0        #H-#ti
  11 -#tw/2.0       #H-#ti
  12 -#tw/2.0       #ts
  13 -#B/2.0        #ts
  14 -#B/2.0        0.0

echo full extr

But this one doesn’t:

+prog AQUA urs:1
norm EN 199X-200X
unit 0

conc 1 type C  60 fc 0.95*60 Ec 35.0e3 gam 0.0
stee 2 type S 450 gam 0.0
stee 3 type B 500 gam 0.0

echo full extr

+prog AQUA urs:2
unit 0

let#ts 0.050
let#ti 0.050
let#tw 0.025
let#H  2.000
let#B  0.800
let#tc 0.300
let#W  1.600

sect 1 titl 'STEEL I-GIRDER'
 poly O mno 2
  vert no y z
   1 0.0            0.0
   2 +#B/2.0        0.0
   3 +#B/2.0        #ts
   4 +#tw/2.0       #ts
   5 +#tw/2.0       #H-#ti
   6 +#B/2.0        #H-#ti
   7 +#B/2.0        #H
   8 0.0            #H
   9 -#B/2.0        #H
  10 -#B/2.0        #H-#ti
  11 -#tw/2.0       #H-#ti
  12 -#tw/2.0       #ts
  13 -#B/2.0        #ts
  14 -#B/2.0        0.0

echo full extr

Kind regards,


Hello Gonzalo

The error message shows up, because you haven’t defined a material number for the cross section 1. As a result, AQUA sets the default value “1” (concrete). Since the cross-section is now defined with two materials (1 concrete and 2 steel), AQUA treats the cross-section as a composite cross-section and a composite cross-section has to contain both materials.

So please define the material number of the cross section (sect) correctly (see picture).

Best regards
Frederik Höller
Your SOFiSTiK Support Team

Thak you very much!

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