I am saving the selfweight of a concrete in a variable:
STO#SW_Conc_Foot 25.0[kN/m3] $ Self-weight Concrete Footings
Then I define the material using the above variable:
CONC NO #MN_Conc_Foot TYPE ACI FCN #Fck_Conc_Foot GAM #SW_Conc_Foot TITL ‘Concrete Footings’
When running sofistik I am getting this error, but the unit used [kN/m3] matches one of the possible units in the unit group 1091 [kN/m3, kg/m3, lb/ft3]
Improper Unit 78 = kN/m3 class= 40011E1E for unit group 1091= kN/m3, kg/m3, lb/ft3