I am currently performing non-linear stress calculations using the AQB module, specifically with the NSTR syntax. The calculation results are only accessible via the report, and it is impossible to find them in either Wingraph or Result.
I have tried searching for them in the database using the @Key command, but I cannot find anything.
I would greatly appreciate your help on this issue, as it would allow me to process the calculation results.
Thank you in advance, and I wish you a very good day!
Hi, can you specify your main goal a bit more in detail?
Why do you want to access the database, and what do you want to do with this data.
Maybe there are other ways to help you.
To get the results of the nonlinear stress calculation with NSTR, you need to add this code: “comb sum lc1 1 lcst 901”, which allows the calculation results to be stored in LC901. These results will then be accessible in Wingraph or Result.
To access the stresses in different materials, the key is @key BEAM_STR.
Hi Abderrahman, where do you need to add the code line?
I’m also doing a non-linear calculation, but I even can’t see the stresses in the report…
How was you already able to see them in the report?
You need to specify the output type in the report using the ECHO record (ECHO NSTRL ------), as shown in the following screenshot from the AQB module guide. However, logically, by default, you should already have all the detailed data and calculation results in the report when you run the AQB module.
Here’s a small code example. Try comparing it with yours, and if it doesn’t work, send me your code so I can check why the stresses aren’t displaying!
+prog aqua urs:1
norm en 199x-200x-bridge cat b coun 0
conc 1 c 45
stee 2 b 500
srec 1 800 400 mno 1 mrf 2
+prog sofimshc urs:2
ctrl mesh 1
syst 3D gdiv 10 gdir negz
spt 1 0 0 0 fix ppmx
spt 2 8 0 0 fix xp
sln 1 1 2 sdiv -9 grp 1 styp be sno 1
+prog sofiload urs:3
lc 1 type none dlx 0.1 dly 0.1 dlz -1
+prog ase urs:4
lc 1
+prog aqb urs:5
beam from 15 x 0 cs auto
lc 1
comb sum lc1 1 lcst 901
desi ulti
nstr kmod s0 sld sld crac yes cw 0.2