Unknown Triangular Shaped Area Loads

When I apply a UDL to a concrete slab I seem to be getting these triangular shaped area loads on the corners of a rectangular portion (see blue circles/underlines below), not sure why?

I am wondering if these “concentration” in forces are because we have an overlapping concrete portion that can be seen below as the blue highlight from a screenshot from sofiplus-x. I ask this because I did not input those triangular shaped area loads but somehow sofistik is pick them up? Or recognizing them as an added stress because… (I’m not really sure why lol)?

Hopefully this paints an ok picture as any and all help would be appreciated!

(Will update with screenshots and other comments as I dig through this predicament)

calculate the loadcase and check the sum of loads. In case this is correct, this is only a graphical issue.
Then create the loads in two different loadcases and calculate again. Check sum of loads and graphical output in Grphics (WINGRAF)
This will clarify your question and you will find an answer by yourself. :wink:

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