Hi there. I am using Dynamo with the Bridge Modeler addon and am using a Python node to try to attach a family on an axis. I have a complete working Dynamo Script but when trying to translate it into Python I am getting Type Errors in some of them. For example, I am trying to regenerate the axis with the placement and get this typeerror:
“TypeError: No method matches given arguments for Reset: (<class ‘NoneType’>, <class ‘NoneType’>, <class ‘NoneType’>, <class ‘NoneType’>, <class ‘SOFiSTiK.Dynamo.Infra.Alignmenmt.Placement’>, <class ‘NoneType’>, <class ‘NoneType’>, <class ‘NoneType’>, <class ‘NoneType’>, <class ‘NoneType’>, <class ‘NoneType’>,)[’ File “”, line 30, in \n’]”
and when I use the dynamo script with this Axis.Reset function and inputs from the same nodes I get no error message.
I tried adding code blocks with null variables in that node to see what happens and they were working and when using the function in Python I have tried both None and “null” or just putting in the axis and the placement to no avail. The function has 13 possible inputs and I have tried putting in the axis along with the placement at their corresponding positions and filling rest out with 11 Nones.
So the question is, could anyone help me with this, or does anyone know where to find the dynamo documentation for Axis.Reset and CrossMember.ByParameters? I tried following a link to the online library on the sofistik website but the link was dead. On the sofistik website there is also no information on Axis.Reset or CrossMember.ByParameters. I can find information on what arguments that you are supposed to put in in the dynamo program but seeing as they give me error messages I might be missing something.
The Visual Programming interface is designed to be used in the Dynamo Context. If you want to write a Python or C# Script, I recommend using the SBiM API directly as it is shown in the usage examples that you find next to the Dynamo Nodes.
If I understand correctly, what you are trying to achieve is adding some Placements to an existing Axis and creating a CrossMember between them. The next code embedded in a Python Node in Dynamo could be used for it, of course the FamilySymbol, Placement Names and Variables should be adapted.
import sys
import clr
import math
from System import Guid
from System.Collections.Generic import List
import Autodesk
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager
# SBiM Library
from SOFiSTiK.Infrastructure.API import *
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Definitions
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PlacementAtStart = "PX.0"
PlacementAtEnd = "PX.1"
VariableName = "h"
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Functions
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def m2ft(v) :
return v / 0.3048
def CreatePlacement(name, station, globalRot = None, localRotX = None, localRotY = None, localRotZ = None) :
pl = Placement()
pl.Name = name
pl.Station = m2ft(station)
if globalRot != None :
pl.GlobalRotation = globalRot
if localRotX != None :
pl.LocalRotationX = localRotX
if localRotY != None :
pl.LocalRotationY = localRotY
if localRotZ != None :
pl.LocalRotationZ = localRotZ
return pl
def AddPlacementToAxis(dynAxis) :
# Create Entity
ax = dynAxis.Entity
# Placements
pdata = ax.Placements
if( not any (p for p in pdata if p.Name == PlacementAtStart )) :
pdata.Add(CreatePlacement(PlacementAtStart, 30.0))
if( not any (p for p in pdata if p.Name == PlacementAtEnd )) :
pdata.Add(CreatePlacement(PlacementAtEnd, 50.0))
return ax
def CreateCrossMember(ax, eId, famType) :
# create Cross Member
c00 = CrossMember()
c00.Id = eId.ToString()
c00.Axis = ax
c00.Orientation = PlacementOrientation.Vertical
c00.RotationMode = PlacementRotationMode.PureRotation
c00.CreateAtPlacements = False
c00.ApplyLayoutForeachInterval = False
c00.ApplyInterpolationLayout = True
# Cross Member placements
pdata = PlacementCollection()
pl0 = next (p for p in ax.Placements if p.Name == PlacementAtStart )
pl1 = next (p for p in ax.Placements if p.Name == PlacementAtEnd )
c00.Placements = pdata
# Distribution rule
layout = SpacingRule()
layout.Distance = m2ft(10.0)
layout.Layout = SpacingLayout.FixedNumber
layout.Quantity = 10
layout.JustificationRule = SpacingJustification.Beginning
layout.MeasurementType = SpacingMeasurementType.CurveParameter
c00.Layout = layout
# Cross Member parameters
variableH = next (v for v in ax.Variables if v.Name == VariableName )
parameters = ParameterCollection()
p0 = ComponentParameter()
p0.Name = "H00"
p0.VariationType = ParameterVariationType.ReferenceToVariable
p0.Expression = variableH
p0.LocalStation = ComponentLocalStation()
p0.LocalStation.MeasurementType = LocalStationMeasurementType.NormalizedParameter
p0.LocalStation.MeasureSense = LocalStationMeasureStart.Beginning
p0.LocalStation.NormalizedParameter = 0.0
p1 = ComponentParameter()
p1.Name = "H01"
p1.Expression = variableH
p1.VariationType = ParameterVariationType.ReferenceToVariable
p1.LocalStation = ComponentLocalStation()
p1.LocalStation.MeasurementType = LocalStationMeasurementType.NormalizedParameter
p1.LocalStation.MeasureSense = LocalStationMeasureStart.Beginning
p1.LocalStation.NormalizedParameter = 1.0
c00.Parameters = parameters
# set symbol (crossLinie_01)
symbol = UnwrapElement(famType)
return c00
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
# create main axis
ax = AddPlacementToAxis(IN[0])
cm = CreateCrossMember(ax, IN[1], IN[2])
#e00 = CrossMemberElement.Create(doc, cm)
OUT = [ax, cm]
Note that the modification/creation of Revit Elements as well of the Definition of the CrossMember’s Id is actually occurring outside the Python Script, this to avoid recreating the same Element each time the Script runs. It is also possible to Create the SBiM Elements inside the Python Script in case you need it, simply by : CrossMemberElement.Create(doc, cm).
Thanks again for the help. I tried this and it seems to be working as well, and I also found out what caused my error message. Apparently the placements should have been formatted as a list for it to be working, and then I had no problems.