Time dependent cyclic loading of beams and investigation of crack propagation

Hi , I want to apply time dependent line / area loading to a beded beam. If possible i would also like to investigate the crack proagation. Which modules should i use for my task? can any one give a hint or examples.

Thank you for your support.


You can define the time dependent line load in Sofiload module. You can use the keywords "line … " for defining the maximum amplitude loading with the location.

The time dependent information can be input via keyword “Func …”

Both should be defined under same load case.

For the nonlinear analysis please use ASE module by changing the analysis setting using SYST PROB NONL. Change in the time is mentioned by STEP keyword

example for a nonlinear blast load analysis is given in teddy examples location : …\dyna.dat\english\dyna_blast_nonl.dat