Strip Footing


I am currently modeling a single-span bridge with precast girders. The issue I am facing is that I am unable to extract forces at the top of the strip footing. I have tried creating support lines, but the results are not adequate. The problem is that when I apply a line with support conditions, I can only obtain support forces in kN and support moments in kN/m (these forces represent nodal values). However, the values I need are in kN/m for forces and kNm/m for moments, which correspond to the units for line supports (strip footing).

I need to extract these forces because I want to analyze the strip footing in another software. Essentially, the values I require correspond to distributed forces, not nodal ones.

Basically i want to see forces and moments which are present on white line. Also it would be great if i could extract those forces at bottom of strip footing.

Kind regards

You may create a GRAPHIC (WINGRAF) Cut through the abutment walls, e.g. 5cm above the intersection with the foundation, an display the membrane force perpendicular to the section cut.
Alternatively you may create a line support and display in GRAPHIC the avarage support forces.

Hope that helps