sofiplus(-X) modeling no calculation required issue

Hi, SSD does not allow me to run the sofiplus(-X) modeling. When clicking on it it doesn’t show the button to run, and while opening the “Calculate Tasks” it shows the status “no calculation required” and the task cannot be selected.

The issue is that I have made changes to sofiplus and exported to SSD and now it looks like I can’t run it. However, no error comes up.

Before this error, I tried to input some geometry using the task “Teddy Input for Modeling”, I run it and then I have decided to delete it and make the changes in sofiplus. I have the feeling that running that teddy task could have caused the issue.

How do I solve this?

Hi Valentina,

there’s no need to calculate the task “sofiplus(-X) modeling”. All modules “behind” Sofiplus (like AQUA, SOFIMSHC, SOFILOAD) are already calculated when you export from Sofiplus.

Best regards,