Hello everyone,
I’m working on a tool for calculating deep foundations. I use Sofistik for structural calculations. To create the structural elements and the soil-structure interaction laws, I use SOFIMESHA, which makes it easier for me to process the data, as I know how to number the nodes and quads.
My problem is with the definition of the footing plate, I have some cases where the footing has an irregular shape, for example a circle, or a shape with several corners.
It’s easy to do with SOFIMSHC, but I see that using SOFIMSHA and SOFIMSHC in the same script doesn’t work, one crushes the other.
Do you know how to create any form of a plate on SOFIMSHA ?

Thanks in advance and have a nice day.

Hi, maybe the files from the Teddy examples folder are helping?

Try the files from the attached screenshot
