Sofiload trai width definition problem

Hi, I have recently met with problem considering the definition of the distribution of load for my user defined trai model.

I’ve tried to define a length of UDL load for traffic load on a highway bridge for the lane width of 3m. However with definition of B parameter equal 3[m] I get only line load without distributuoion throughout the width.


Below is the code I use:
My variables are:
let#BL 3.00
let#qui 1

!*!Label Definicja obciazen, UDL Arr1
lc #UDLL1 type ‘none’ titl ‘UDL_L1_arr1’
trai type user widt #BL[m]
trbl p #qui L (22.999/20)[m] y 2.5[m] bw #BL[m] $B #BL[m]

let#lc1 301
let#x 0.00

loop 20
lc #lc1 type ‘none’ titl ‘UDL_L1_arr1’
copy no #UDLL1 ref #Os dx #x[m] $dy 2.5[m] fact 1

let#lc1 #lc1+1
let#x #x+(22.999)/20


Perhaps option
in SOFiLOAD helps. Please read manual.
