Running SSD from command line, "automatisation"

Is it possible to run SSD from command line (Windows command prompt window) for specific project? I mean open SSD window, load pointed task, perform project calculation and close SSD window. Syntax
“C:\Program Files\SOFiSTiK\2022\SOFiSTiK 2022\ssd.exe” DIR+project.sofistik" starts SSD module and open project. Are there any switches corresponding “calculate all” / “save project” and “exit” commands?


SSD is only a GUI holding the other programs together.
The actual program doing the calculation is wps.exe and it has a batch counterpart sps.exe

You run a calculation with the following syntax (assuming the batch file is in the project folder):
“C:\Program Files\SOFiSTiK\2024\SOFiSTiK 2024\sps.exe” myproject.dat

Don’t know if it works with SSD-files, I mainly work with teddy (dat-files)

Options and flags can be found on the web page below:

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Thank you! You are right (unfortunately), it doesn’t work work with SSD. But it is good to know there are some “automatisation” possibilities. I need to get familiar with teddy coding.


Dear @bmaych ,

there is a hidden feature from version FEA 2025 which is not yet documented.
You can run a SSD project and specific tasks via the executable ssd_calculate.exe (which you can find in the installation folder of SOFiSTiK FEA)

This is how you can run e.g. the project file “stu_tankstellendach.sofistik”.

ssd_calculate.exe --input stu_tankstellendach.sofistik --calculate

Available options are:

  • -? [ --help ] produce help message (this page).
  • -i [ --input ] Project file
  • -u [ --upgrade ] allow upgrade
  • -c [ --calculate ] calculate
  • -s [ --savedat ] save the complete DAT file
  • --task arg only this task id, multiple tasks possible, can be mixed with –group
  • --group arg only this group id, multiple groups possible, can be mixed with –task
  • -k [ --keep_erg ] keep erg file
  • -v [ --verbose ] More verbose

Hope this will help you and other users.

Kind regards,
Smiljan Tukic

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