Read design results with EXCEL VBA

Hello, I’m a bit late, but I have a similar question. I found the example in the installation folder and got it working, however I would like to read the design results [107] instead of the nodes [20]. I don’t know how to adapt the example, maybe someone has an Excel file with the function?

In the folder:
C:\Program Files\SOFiSTiK\2023\SOFiSTiK 2023\interfaces\examples\vba
Check out the following files:

The first is complete template for importing data to excel and the second has the necessary structs in vba format.

You can find sofistiks code for 107 in the module_beams module in vba:

Thanks for your help, unfortunately I’m quite a beginner when it comes to vba.
In the read node example (C:\Program Files (x86)\2022\SOFiSTiK 2022\interfaces\examples\vba\read_nodes\read_nodes_64-bit.xlsm) I can paste my file path and get the node information.

I need something similar for the design results. There is no such thing in the module_beams code.
I took the working nodes module (read_nodes_64-bit.xlsm):

Option Explicit

'| Company: SOFiSTiK AG |
'| Version: SOFiSTIK 2022 |

'Read the nodes from CDB
Public Sub readNodes()
Dim Filename As String
Dim Index, datalen As Long
Dim row, pos As Long
Dim arr_20_0() As Variant
ReDim arr_20_0(6, 0)
Dim Destination1 As Range

'Lets clear the sheet first

'The path of the file
Filename = tab1.TextBox1.Text

'To connect to the CDB we will use
Index = sof_cdb_init(Filename, 99)
'Get the data from CDB
Dim data As CNODE
datalen = Len(data)

Do While sof_cdb_get(Index, 20, 0, data, datalen, pos) = 0
    row = row + 1
    pos = pos + 1
    'Redim the array for the output
    ReDim Preserve arr_20_0(6, row)
    'Copy the values to array
    arr_20_0(0, row) = data.m_NR
    arr_20_0(1, row) = data.m_INR
    arr_20_0(2, row) = data.m_KFIX
    arr_20_0(3, row) = data.m_NCOD
    arr_20_0(4, row) = data.m_XYZ(1)
    arr_20_0(5, row) = data.m_XYZ(2)
    arr_20_0(6, row) = data.m_XYZ(3)
    'Get the length of the data. This is very important!!!
    datalen = Len(data)

'Set the names of header row and columns
arr_20_0(0, 0) = "NR"
arr_20_0(1, 0) = "INR"
arr_20_0(2, 0) = "KFIX"
arr_20_0(3, 0) = "NCOD"
arr_20_0(4, 0) = "X"
arr_20_0(5, 0) = "Y"
arr_20_0(6, 0) = "Z"

'Output the values to range
Set Destination1 = tab1.Range("A4")
Destination1.Resize(UBound(arr_20_0, 2) + 1, UBound(arr_20_0, 1) + 1).Value = Application.Transpose(arr_20_0)

'Center the output -> this is just for better looking
tab1.Cells.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

'Close the CDB
Call sof_cdb_close(0)

End Sub

copied it and changed some values, but the loop is always skipped:

Option Explicit

'| Company: SOFiSTiK AG |
'| Version: SOFiSTIK 2022 |

'Read the designresults from CDB
Public Sub readDesignresults()
Dim Filename As String
Dim Index, datalen As Long
Dim row, pos As Long
Dim arr_107_0() As Variant
ReDim arr_107_0(40, 0)
Dim Destination1 As Range

'Lets clear the sheet first

'The path of the file
Filename = tab1.TextBox1.Text

'To connect to the CDB we will use
Index = sof_cdb_init(Filename, 99)
'Get the data from CDB
Dim data As CBEAM_DE0
datalen = Len(data)

Do While sof_cdb_get(Index, 107, 0, data, datalen, pos) = 0
    row = row + 1
    pos = pos + 1
    'Redim the array for the output
    ReDim Preserve arr_107_0(40, row)
    'Copy the values to array
    arr_107_0(0, row) = data.m_NR
    arr_107_0(1, row) = data.m_X
    arr_107_0(2, row) = data.m_NI
    arr_107_0(3, row) = data.m_MYI
    arr_107_0(4, row) = data.m_MZI
    arr_107_0(5, row) = data.m_SCF
    arr_107_0(6, row) = data.m_E0
    arr_107_0(7, row) = data.m_EY
    arr_107_0(8, row) = data.m_EZ
    arr_107_0(9, row) = data.m_E1
    arr_107_0(10, row) = data.m_E2
    arr_107_0(11, row) = data.m_HL
    arr_107_0(12, row) = data.m_HVM
    arr_107_0(13, row) = data.m_HX
    arr_107_0(14, row) = data.m_EDCMIN
    arr_107_0(15, row) = data.m_EDCMAX
    arr_107_0(16, row) = data.m_FCHK
    arr_107_0(17, row) = data.m_TCF
    arr_107_0(18, row) = data.m_SCN
    arr_107_0(19, row) = data.m_SCVY
    arr_107_0(20, row) = data.m_SCVZ
    arr_107_0(21, row) = data.m_SCMT
    arr_107_0(22, row) = data.m_SCMY
    arr_107_0(23, row) = data.m_SCMZ
    arr_107_0(24, row) = data.m_SCMB
    arr_107_0(25, row) = data.m_SCT2
    arr_107_0(26, row) = data.m_SCCOMB
    arr_107_0(27, row) = data.m_SCBN
    arr_107_0(28, row) = data.m_CSIGC
    arr_107_0(29, row) = data.m_CSIGT
    arr_107_0(30, row) = data.m_CTAU
    arr_107_0(31, row) = data.m_CSGV
    arr_107_0(32, row) = data.m_CSGR
    arr_107_0(33, row) = data.m_CAS
    arr_107_0(34, row) = data.m_CASL
    arr_107_0(35, row) = data.m_CCW
    arr_107_0(36, row) = data.m_CSGD
    arr_107_0(37, row) = data.m_CTAU0
    arr_107_0(38, row) = data.m_C2T
    arr_107_0(39, row) = data.m_CLASS

    'Get the length of the data. This is very important!!!
    datalen = Len(data)

'Set the names of header row and columns
  arr_107_0(0, 0) = "nr"
  arr_107_0(1, 0) = "X"
  arr_107_0(2, 0) = "NI"
  arr_107_0(3, 0) = "MYI"
  arr_107_0(4, 0) = "MZI"
  arr_107_0(5, 0) = "SCF"
  arr_107_0(6, 0) = "E0"
  arr_107_0(7, 0) = "EY"
  arr_107_0(8, 0) = "EZ"
  arr_107_0(9, 0) = "E1"
  arr_107_0(10, 0) = "E2"
  arr_107_0(11, 0) = "HL"
  arr_107_0(12, 0) = "HVM"
  arr_107_0(13, 0) = "HX"
  arr_107_0(14, 0) = "EDCMIN"
  arr_107_0(15, 0) = "EDCMAX"
  arr_107_0(16, 0) = "FCHK"
  arr_107_0(17, 0) = "TCF"
  arr_107_0(18, 0) = "SCN"
  arr_107_0(19, 0) = "SCVY"
  arr_107_0(20, 0) = "SCVZ"
  arr_107_0(21, 0) = "SCMT"
  arr_107_0(22, 0) = "SCMY"
  arr_107_0(23, 0) = "SCMZ"
  arr_107_0(24, 0) = "SCMB"
  arr_107_0(25, 0) = "SCT2"
  arr_107_0(26, 0) = "SCCOMB"
  arr_107_0(27, 0) = "SCBN"
  arr_107_0(28, 0) = "CSIGC"
  arr_107_0(29, 0) = "CSIGT"
  arr_107_0(30, 0) = "CTAU"
  arr_107_0(31, 0) = "CSGV"
  arr_107_0(32, 0) = "CSGR"
  arr_107_0(33, 0) = "CAS"
  arr_107_0(34, 0) = "CASL"
  arr_107_0(35, 0) = "CCW"
  arr_107_0(36, 0) = "CSGD"
  arr_107_0(37, 0) = "CTAU0"
  arr_107_0(38, 0) = "C2T"
  arr_107_0(39, 0) = "CLASS"

'Output the values to range
Set Destination1 = tab1.Range("A4")
Destination1.Resize(UBound(arr_107_0, 2) + 1, UBound(arr_107_0, 1) + 1).Value = Application.Transpose(arr_107_0)

'Center the output -> this is just for better looking
tab1.Cells.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

'Close the CDB
Call sof_cdb_close(0)

End Sub

  1. If you want your file to work:
    You need to pick a loadcase
    While sof_cdb_get(Index, 107, 0, data, datalen, pos) = 0
    means: loop for 107/0, you probably don’t have that key but 107/LC (replace the 0)

  2. If you want to use the prepared file cdb2excel_2018_1.xlsm just go to the sofistik ribbon:

    The necessary tools are there.

1 Like

Thank you so far. It works now and gives me the values, but somehow there are different values ​​in the database than in the report browser. I compared the moment and they are different values, only 0 and 135 are the same.

What can be the reason for this?

Just a guess by going with the screenshots:

  • Result browser: Actual forces according to the loadcase
  • cdb: Maximum design forces (i.e. capacity) :
    107/LC: BEAM_DES | Ultimate/Plastic Design results`