Python CDB Support Forces around local axes


The file “sofistik_daten” contains the class “CN_DISP” to extract the displacement and forces of supports. The results correspond to global axes. Is it possible to get the resutls around local axes? I am aware that they are available in wingraf / results, but I would like to get the values directly from the CDB.

Thanks in advance!


a T array you get by 030/NR:0
frc you can get by 024/LC:+

Thanks for the reply! If I understand it correctly, you are extracting from the CDB the results in global coordinates and the geometric info of the SPTs and then transforming the results “manually” into local coordiantes, is that correct?

I was hoping to get from directly from the CDB the results in local coordinates, but this workaround also works. Thanks!

Yes, exactly as you describe. There’s no way to get local forces because they’re not stored in the database. Wingraf has local forces calculated on the fly.