I am trying to define different prescribed reinforcement areas within a single structural area. I know that it is possible to use the bounding box method PARA XMIN…XMAX. However, if the regions have a complex shape then bounding box is not the best option. I also tried using attribute areas by assigning them to secondary groups however it seem that attribute areas can not be used for such purposes?
Are there any other methods to define multiple prescribed reinforcement areas within a single SAR or is the only alternative splitting the SAR into multiple SARs?
You can set this SAR to an explicit primary group (e.g. grp 10) in SOFIMSHC-module and call that group (PARA NRG 10) in BEMESS. One can also specify secondary group at the end of SOFiMSHC module addressing directly the SAR and SLN and later on use that secondary group in BEMSS. In the following, you can see a section of SOFiSTiK-examples to be found under Teddy–>file–>examples–>sofimshc–>english–>area-models–>secondary_group_01.dat
Here you can see the secondary groups LN12 and ARLN are generated using only SAR and SLN. These can be also called in BEMESS upon the command PARA.
+prog sofimshc urs:4
head system definition
syst SPAC gdiv -1000
ctrl MESH 1 ; ctrl HMIN 0.5
spt 1 x -4 -4 0 fix PP
2 x +4 -4 0 fix PP
3 x +4 +4 0 fix PP
4 x -4 +4 0 fix PP