Orthotropic Behavior

I am designing a concrete slab to be one way slab by introducing the orthotropic behavior option. I understand that in the weak direction, it needs to be 1mm or just a small number and in the other local direction the exact thickness. What should be the transverse and torsion thicknesses ? Is there an example on that or a reference ?

If you take a look at ASE-manual equation (2.15) to (2.18) and (2.32) to (2.34), you will see which thickness tx, ty, txy, td where comes to the formulation. Based on these you need to define them. That is, you need to first decide which internal forces are planned to reduce, then define the according thickness based on the reduction level intended.

If you define orthtropic behaviour with different thicknesses it’s not possible to make a design for such elements. Therefore I recommend simply to use GRP2 command in ASE, please see manual.

Best regards,