At the moment, I am designing a bridge only in longitudinal direction, thus I have implemented only a beam model with the full cross section of the bridge. (By the way, a composite concrete-steel CS).
To account for torsional effects, specially due to UDL/TS I would like to apply the loads as lane loads (SPUR). The load is correctly generated in SOFILOAD but it is not applied/calculated in ASE.
Both warnings appear in ASE:
+++++ Warnung Nr. 399 in Programm TLCD
Keine Lasten definiert fĂĽr Lastfall 1 oder alle Lasten im Gleichgewicht
+++++ Fehler Nr. 398 in Programm LOAD
Keine Lasten definiert fĂĽr Lastfall 1
Es wurden aber trotzdem alle Lastfälle durchgerechnet und abgespeichert.
Diese Fehlermeldung kann mit STEU WARN 398 abgeschaltet werden.
Question: is there a way to correctly apply lane loads (SPUR) on beam models outside of beam axis, i.e. lane loads over cross-section area or should I model QUAD elements in order to account for those loads?
I recommend to follow our “Traffic Loader” task inside SSD. This task defines all necessary lanes and also applies the loads eccentrically on your beam system. Pleas see our online video training part #9, where we explain the main workflow.
E.g. I recommend the full bridge desgin video training.
The problem is that I do not work with SSD at all.
Regarding UDL, the problem is solved. Since I have different beam groups, I can transform the area loads into line loads and apply them directly to the beam groups with an eccentricity.
Regarding TS, the problem is not solved since I do not have the possibility to divide load application by groups. After generating the LZUG USER P 0.0, I tried to add point loads with LZPL, but the loads are somehow not being inputted. I found a possibility to work with the function STEL; the loads are applied, but I will lose precision in load application. Besides, it is not an elegant solution to the problem and is harder to parameterize.
Honestly, I need a Teddy script with traffic loads applied to beam models with eccentricity, but I could not find it in the examples list.
Hi Lucas,
when using load trains SOFiLOAD is checking the dimensions of the cross sections. If TS-loads are beside the cross section the loads cannot be applied.
There are many possibilities to define loads onto a system. If you have a problem simply upload the system and describe where you get a problem and what you expect there.
The chosen solution was doing TS loads with ELLA, so I do not have to directly deal with line/area loads on a beam with eccentricity. Not exactly what I wanted (cannot check “Lastsumme” and whatnot but it does the job). Besides the limit functions are already defined. One rock, two birds.
Another alternative is to model a plate with shell elements overwritting the concrete section of the beam and then later using QUEX or PLEX to remove/decrease the stiffness of the plate. Thus, a plate used only for load distribution (design in transversal direction is “kein Thema” here. Kind of an OK solution, but with unnecessary modelling of elements.
Anyway, I appreciate the help and I will be aware of the issue whenever I opt for a beam model again.