Koordinatensystem Fläche

When drawing Fläche in sofiplus, it is important to draw then in the same direction, so that you get a uniform z-direction of the local system in all the walls (then the Bewehrungsrichtung is the same everywhere).

If not doing so when drawing, how can I align them after so that the z-direction is same ?

You can orientate the elements with the command “Align elements”/“Elemente ausrichten”, see this page: Align Elements - SOFiPLUS 2025

However, in you case, I would just flip the SAR 550 around its horizontal axis with Autocad command mirror or spiegeln. Then it’s going to match SAR 548.

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thanks for the reply.

As far as I know, “Elemente ausrichten” changes the direction of the FEM Element, not the whole wall.

Of course flipping was also my first thought but there so many elements to be flipped, so I wanted some more elegant solution