Help Needed with SOFiSTiK Structural Analysis Results

Hi everyone,

I’m working on a structural analysis project using SOFiSTiK and have encountered some issues with my results. I’m analyzing a multi-story building with a reinforced concrete frame. After running the analysis, the displacement values and internal forces seem unusually high, especially at the top levels.

I’ve double-checked my model for input errors, including material properties, load combinations, and boundary conditions, but everything appears correct. I’m not sure if I’m missing something in the setup or if there’s a specific setting in SOFiSTiK that I might have overlooked.
I’m following this
Has anyone experienced similar issues or can suggest potential areas I should investigate further? Any tips or guidance would be greatly appreciated, as I’m on a tight deadline for this project.

Thank you!!


It is hard to say without having your model.

Are you doing your load combinations with the MAXIMA module?
Does it happen for all loadcases?