Gruppe - Aussparung

Can you also asign openings/Aussparungen to some groups?
I want them to show, for example, for each Floor, not all together.


Hello jonfistik,

afaik it is not possible. You can try

  • isolating / hide elements in SOFiPLUS (AutoCAD)
  • defining storeys and working with a filter only showing one storey at a time

Those are my workarounds while working in SOFiPLUS.

Instead of opening you can create area with another group assignment. You can turn them off in static analysis but display as you wish since areas are grouped.

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Hello ecafekin,
do you define stories by using the Tower option, or how do you do it?

Thank you,

Then just filter your project by storey.

Perfect, very informative thanks!

how do I change the 0,0m point?
In my model it is set to one of the coordinate systems and even if I define new ones, the first system is still taken as reference.

Like here:

And another question: What if I have a jump in the stories; like a part of the building has its E0 bei +3,5m and the rest at +4,5m. This jump is throughout all the stories so

(0,0,0) ist fix im AutoCAD.