Design cases not showing - Revit results package

I have generated a result package from the Robot software and have succesfully linked it to my Revit 2021 model. My goal is to generate reinforcement using Sofistik from the table I have calculated in Robot.

I have been using the following tutorial as a reference: Using Design Results from Analysis for Reinforcement.pdf (2.0 MB)
It goes,“Using the ‘Create’ button of RCG, the user is able to generate an automatic reinforcement proposal for beams, columns, walls and slabs. (…) After clicking the ‘Create’ button the user is prompted to a dedicated dialog. Here the Revit results packages are selected as data source automatically, as no other design data is available at this step”;
Still, the design case doesn’t show and I can’t select “Revit results package” once I click the Create button. What did I miss?


As far as I know the generation of reinforcement from Revit result packages is still possible.
Without any project files I can’t analyse the problem.

Perhaps you find the problem after watching the three basic videos about SOFiSTiK Reinforcement generation:

Best regards
Frederik Höller
Your SOFiSTiK Support Team

Hello, thank you for your response!
I have watched the videos but can’t seem to notice what is going wrong.
I’m going to attach the files here and hope you can help me figure out what is happening…
I have generated this simple structure system in Robot in order to test the result package function. I have linked the Robot calculation directly into Revit. The problem I’ve described earlier remains… I can’t select Revit Results Package even though the required reinforcement calculation seems fine.
I have uploaded both files on a wetransfer link, since it exceeds tha maximum size for this website. Here it is:

Thank you in advance!