Concrete Slab Reinforcement Design for Orthotropic Option

Hi ! Could anyone please give me information on how to calculate the reinforcement design for a concrete slab that is modeled with orthotropic approach (one way slab) ?


If you want to use BEMESS to design you slab, I think that the best way is to reduce the elastic modulus in the ASE run with the parametre GRP2 QEMX or QEMY. I attach a file to show you how this works.
one-way-slab.dat (1.4 KB)

(If you change the orthotropic thickness of the material in SOFIMSHC with SAR TX or TY, this thickness will be used in the design calculation of BEMESS. I don’t think it is recommendable here.)

Hopefully this helps. There is most likely also an example in the Teddy example library.