Buckling modes CSM


I would like to get the buckling modes of a structure taking into account the construction process. I am interested to obtain these modes after certain stages of the CSM, and once the structure has been completed (and some live loads has been included).

What is the best way to solve my problem?

Thanks and regards,


  • Run your regular analysis with csm.
  • Include “dummy stages” for the sequence step you want to obtain a buckling mode for.
    This step should not have any real load/creep/etc applied.
    You will probably need to apply a dummy load though (e.g. 1 N force into a support)
  • Open the generated your_project_csm.dat file and copy the ase for a construction stage you are interested in
  • Remove the applied dummy load and add the eigenvalue analysis to the copied ase

This way you will:

  • include the primary load case (the load history according to csm)
  • activate all the correct groups at the correct construction stage

That solution is so interesting!

After following the steps, I got an error (“Fehler Nr. -862 in Programm loadcase+EIGE defined TEIN_LFDpack”), so I ran the eigenvalue analysis in another ASE, taking PLC as the one copied from the “_csm.dat”, and activating the proper groups.

Thank you so much.