Bridge with in situ deck on precast prestressed beams

Hello everyone,

I am doing my semester assignment in master studies for bridges. I have a cross section given in the picture below, and I am wondering if there is a tutorial for modelling prestressed precast beam and monolithic slab in two phases? I have found very good Sofistik series on youtube for prestressed bridge with one rib, but it doesn’t really talk about phases, or making modell in the case when new concrete slab comes on top of “older” prestressed beams. Could anyone point me to helpful Sofistik material on this topic?


You could have a look at our TEDDY examples. The following document gives an overview of the csm (construction stage manager) examples.

C:\Program Files\SOFiSTiK\2022\SOFiSTiK 2022\csm.dat\english\overview_csm_examples_english.pdf

TEDDY > File > Examples > csm > design > …
TEDDY > File > Examples > csm > english > csm3_composite_beam.dat

You can also watch at the tutorials on our website. > Infocenter - Overview > Documentation - Tutorials > bridge design

Best regards
Frederik Höller
Your SOFiSTiK Support Team

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Thank you very much for your guidance.