Beams - creep stresses SLS

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correct me if I’m wrong. For a cracked RC beam with a permanent load G, in SLS there should be a stress increase in the reinforcement and a decrease in concrete from creep.
What is the desired workflow to obtain this effect? A simple CSM with creep stages does not seem to account for it.
Can anyone share an example for a staticaly determinate system or point me where to find it in the manuals/examples?

Thank you for your help

Please note CSM is a pur linear analysis which generates internal forces and moments. Please see also CSM Manual.
What you want to do is a non-linear anaylsis.
Please see our verification examples on: SOFiSTiK VERiFiCATiON Benchmarks 2025
The example DCE-EN12 will show you the procedure of crack design in a beam element.
Simply filter for “crack”

Thank you. I understand that I need to use aqb to get the cracked state in the beams. Still how would you get the increase in steels stress from creep in the section?

As far I know, module AQB (or ASE) cannot handle the non-linear stresses of the beam elements along the stages of the construction.
But it is possible to do it with quad élements.