Linear combinaison of beam forces with differents coefficients for each node


I have a beam structure modeled with SofimshA and I already have the beam forces, calculated with ASE module.
I would like to know if it is possible to do linear combinations of beam forces to calculate normal stress for each node of the beams that a I have in my structure. However, I would like Sofistik to use different coefficients for each node, which I would give as input data in a list in Teddy.

σ_(i,j) = a_(i,j) N_(i,j) + b_(i,j) M_(i,j)

i = beam number
j = start/end beam node
a = list of coefficients given as a list in Teddy
b = list of coefficients given as a list in Teddy
N, M = beam forces in database
σ = result to be storage in database

Could you inform me if I can do this kind of linear combination on Sofistik?
Best regards,

Hello Carlos

Why do you want to define different coefficient for the different nodes?
Could you please explain what you are aiming for?

At the moment I don’t think there is an easy way to do this.

Best regards
Frederik Höller
Your SOFiSTiK Support Team