I would like to export the results of Column Design to Excel. I can not find this option in ‘Interactive lists and graphics’. Is there any way to do this?
I would like to export the results of Column Design to Excel. I can not find this option in ‘Interactive lists and graphics’. Is there any way to do this?
Hello Coen,
It is possible to export results to excel. Have you seen the general workflow on our homepage?
You can find it on:
www.sofistik.com > Documentation > Tutorials > Export results to Excel via ResultViewer
Yours sincerely
SOFiSTiK Support Team
I know how to export results to Excel. However, i want to export the proposed reinforcement for the task ‘Column Design’. There doesn’t seem to be an option for that in ‘Interactive lists and graphics’. Is there any other way to do this?
Thank you.
OK I tried to export the results on my computer and now I see what you mean.
You can’t see the results of the column design, because they are saved within a new .cdb. You find the database within the folder “nameColumn_columns” in the projectbrowser.
You can switch the .cdb by clicking on:
File > Convert Existing Project … > nameColumn_columns >column_1.cdb > open
Now you can export the results to excel.
But you have to keep in mind to switch back to the original .cdb.