The effect of creep and shrinkage can be obtained from a QUAD-system. You have to look at the 4XXX or 5XXX load cases. I will do the calculation using the following TEDDY example.
TEDDY > File > Examples > csm > english > csm4_quad_singlespan.dat
- Open the Graphic (Wingraf) and visualise the tendon stresses (or forces)
- The difference between the 4XXX load cases describe the losses due to relaxation, creep and shrinkage. For example:
(1) load case 4011: 1279,73 MPa (on the rigth side of the singlespan)
(2) load case 4027: 1147,98 MPa
(3) Difference: 131,75 MPa
The same result can be obtained by adding the load cases 5020+5025+5026+5027=131,75 MPa - Now you know the loses due to k+s+r. If you want the loses due to kreep+shrinkage you need to subtract the relaxation proption.
(1) total tendon relaxation in load case 4027: 4% → 0,04 * 1279,73 = 51,79 MPa
(2) kreep+shrinkage: 131,75-51,79=79,96 MPa
I hope that with this example you understand how to calculate the stress losses within a tendon.
Best regards
Frederik Höller
Your SOFiSTiK Support Team